Tour Moffet

Our Library

In 2019 our Library was completely refurbished! New floors, shelves,  furniture, and more! See the results in the video below



Our Classrooms

Each of our classrooms has a classroom library, Chromebook cart, SMART Board, a calm corner, and a great teacher running things!

A picture of a classroom showing a rug, SMART Board, bulletin boards, and a few tables.Gymnasium

Our Physical Education classes help our students stay fit and active. Students learn movement, health, teamwork, perseverance, sportsmanship, and more.


Music lessons take place in the auditorium and include singing, movement/dance and instruments such as drums and other percussion instruments, ukulele, xylophones and recorder.

Technology Lab

In Digital Literacy students learn computer basics, keyboarding, coding, desktop publishing, digital art, multimedia design, and 3D printing! See last year’s hour of code in the video below:


Makerspace is a place for students to develop their 21st century skills of communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking. while they build, tynker, and create STEAM projects.


Students who elect to take part in band choose an instrument and learn all to develop their musical skills as they work together to make music. Images coming soon.

Coming Soon: Keyboard Lab

Moffet has been selected as a partner school with Music and the Brain (MATB). We received 18 keyboard pianos and will be setting up a keyboard lab that will be used for part of the music class period. The program curriculum combines piano, social emotional learning and diverse music styles from around the world. We are very excited about this amazing opportunity for our students! Images coming soon.

Sensory Room

Our sensory room provides a calming space for students to engage in sensory play. Gross motor, fine motor, and proprioceptive play are all here. Click Here to learn more about our Sensory Room

A picture of the sensory room featuring a ball pit, swing set, and squeeze machine.

Our Sensory Room

PBIS Reward Store

Students earn points for following our 3 R’s of Responsible Respectful and Ready. Points are saved up and used to purchase prizes from our new PBIS Store. Learn More about it Here

5 students shop in the PBIS Rewards Store

Students looking to spend their PBIS points in the Moffet Mall.

Book Vending Machine

Our book vending machine allows students to access free books!
Learn More about it Here

Parent Resource Room

Coming Soon!