Graduation and Promotion Requirements
Kindergarten: The Kindergarten teacher shall review all preschool records, including the Child Observation Record (COR) or the Adjusting Scales for Preschool Intervention (ASPI) in order to determine each child’s entry-level skills.
The teacher will do the following for each student who is performing below the Basic level on approved assessments, i.e., DIBELS, Everyday Math end-of-unit tests, etc:Notify the parent of the student’s lack of academic progress.
Discuss small groups of struggling students at a CSAP Tier I meeting and begin or continue providing small group instruction and other supports.
Document group interventions via CSAP Support Logs.
If a student is still performing below the Basic level by the end of the second marking period, the teacher will:Notify the parent of the student’s lack of academic progress.
Begin or continue to provide CSAP interventions.
Comply with mandated CSAP timeframes, activities and related documentation.
At the end of the school year, the Kindergarten teacher shall forward CSAP Support Logs and other relevant data for use during the following school year for students who score below the Basic level on the approved end-of-year assessments.
Kindergarten students may not be retained unless requested by the parent, and may not be retained more than once. Retention must be supported by the Principal and Regional Superintendent.
Grade 1: Students must have a Reading level of G or above, and a math
level of Basic, Proficient or Advanced (2, 3, 4)
Grade 2: Students must have a reading level of L or above, and a math
level of Basic, Proficient or Advanced and a Science level of Basic,
Proficient or Advanced (2, 3, 4)
Grade 3: Students must have a reading level of N or above, a Math
level of Basic, Proficient or Advanced (2, 3, 4) and participate
successfully in a group multi-disciplanary project or service learning project.
Grades 4 and 5: Students must achieve the Basic level in Reading and
Math as defined by performance descriptors aligned with the PDE standards
and found in the Core Curriculum, and earn a passing grade in Science.

Ms Smith checks student work
➢ Please do not allow your child to arrive to school before 7:45 AM as the gates will not be open.
➢ All students are expected to be present and on time each and every day.
➢ All students should be in their correct locations by 8:10 am, to join their teachers for admissions promptly at 8:15am.
➢ Students will enter the building at 8: 15 AM.
➢ Any student who arrives after 8:15 will be marked late.
➢ Grades K-5 will start their day on the playground for admissions.
➢ Bus Riders and students in our AS Program will enter the building through the Green Doors off of Oxford Street.
Lateness & Absences
➢ All students are required to attend school every day and on time.
➢ You are required by law to notify the school of any absences.
➢ A written explanation of the absences or lateness is required when your child returns to school.
➢ NO absences will be excused without a note.
➢ Students must bring an absent note the day they return to school stating the reason for the absences.
➢ Breakfast will take place BEFORE instructional hours from 7:45 am to 8:10 am.
➢ Students will enter through the orange doors for morning breakfast.
➢ Breakfast service will stop at 8:10 am with no exceptions.
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School Colors – Red, Gray, and White
Students attending John Moffet are permitted to wear the following:
➢Gray, Khaki, or Navy blue pants
➢Red, Gray, or White shirts/blouses (T-Shirts are not permitted)
➢Red or Gray, jumper, skirt, or skort
➢Brown/Black/Red/ or Gray shoes or sneakers
➢If you child will be wearing a sweater during the cooler months, sweaters/sweatshirts must
be Gray or Red, and crew neck. No hooded sweatshirts are permitted
Students attending John Moffet are NOT permitted to wear the following:
➢Printed clothing, Outside clothing over/under uniform
➢Open-toe-shoes or flip flops
Click Here to access our online store and order Moffet Gear!
One-way John Moffet promotes pride in self and school is the expectation that parents/caregivers
and the student body will adhere to uniform dress code.
Be sure students come dressed for success each and everyday!
Teachers will notify the school counselor by 8:45 for violations of the Dress Code. The counselor
will contact parents by 9:00 AM to determine:
➢If there is a financial concerns and make necessary arrangements
➢If a change of clothes can be brought to school Students who refuse to remove hoodies and other non-uniform items or who deliberately violate the Dress Code or are repeat violators of the Dress Code Policy will receive disciplinary consequences.